I’m just going to say it…..he’s HEALTHY…..he’s healthy little boy!!!!!! WE ARE GOING FOR IT!!!!! We are leaving real soon to go see him!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Is this really happening?!
After Walter and I read what the doctor had to say about him we made a decision that will change our lives for ever. We are going for it….slowly our dreams are coming true…finally our turn!!!!
Yesterday morning, at 9:01 I left a message for my caseworker to call me back. It took her 20 minutes to get back to me but when she did, I could barely talk, I was screaming as if I were mad “I…I mean we….want to go…I mean what to proceed….we want to adopt him.” It was actually kinda comical!! Walter had left for work already but if he was home he would have been on the floor!!!!!
So here we are….on cloud nine…..It’s going to get harder and a little extra stressful, but now there’s a face…..and a name.
Is this really happening?