I’m just going to say it…..he’s HEALTHY…..he’s healthy little boy!!!!!! WE ARE GOING FOR IT!!!!! We are leaving real soon to go see him!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! Is this really happening?!
After Walter and I read what the doctor had to say about him we made a decision that will change our lives for ever. We are going for it….slowly our dreams are coming true…finally our turn!!!!
Yesterday morning, at 9:01 I left a message for my caseworker to call me back. It took her 20 minutes to get back to me but when she did, I could barely talk, I was screaming as if I were mad “I…I mean we….want to go…I mean what to proceed….we want to adopt him.” It was actually kinda comical!! Walter had left for work already but if he was home he would have been on the floor!!!!!
So here we are….on cloud nine…..It’s going to get harder and a little extra stressful, but now there’s a face…..and a name.
Is this really happening?
I am sooooo happy for you guys!!!!!!! He is adorable!!!! So I can tell Linda & Maria now? Let me know how I can help, I'm sure you have a million things to do before you leave. Please let me help you any way I can. Congrats again!!!!! Talk to you real soon. Love Ya, Aunt Anne Marie
You are making me cry!!! I love you guys so much and I am so so so so so so so so happy for you!!!!!!!
Hi Lita
Oh my GOD he is so beautiful. I am so happy for the two of you. This brought such a smile to my face to see and hear this. I am so happy and excited and for the both of you. These next weeks are going to fly by and before you know it you will be holding your baby. Do you have any idea what you will name him? Now these next two weeks you have to get his room started and you watch that time will fly by and before you know it you will be on the plane going to get him. Oh my gosh, I'm so happy. Have a safe trip if I don't speak to you, and please let me know what happens. Send pictures this way I would love to see them.
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS ADORABLE!
I just read your e-mail now or I would have responded quicker. I am so happy for you. He is ABSOULTELY GEORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a cute little guy
Keep me posted as to when you are going.
Thank you.
OMG I am so excited for you. Its 4am so i have to be quiet. Dani has been waking up for a bottle at that time. Anyway enough about me.
Your going to be great parents.. Your baby will be the same age as Dani... OMG.... they can grow up together...
Now we have to have a party to celebrate. Your going to need a ton of things. Let me know if you need anything...
OMG Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! your going to be an awesome mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Lita & Walter,
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! I am so very happy for you. He is beautiful. I will keep you all in my prayers.
Love, Charlene
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I was wonder about you and the adoption about two weeks ago. How exciting for both of you. Finally some good news! Again, congratulations!
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