I’m very lucky to have such a great array of great girlfriends. Even acquaintances that I meet and once in awhile I bump into or talk on the phone and exchange favors with; all happen to be wonderful people. I’m a very lucky person.
My Saturday started as such…
Woke up…
Had too many cups of coffee…
Checked email….
Fed cats…
Took shower….
Tried to read a few pages in my book…(too much distraction)
Hopped in the car….
Headed to Norton’s paint…
Found DAVID & picked out color for Joey’s room!!!....
(here’s where the “sneaky-ness” of my husband kicked in). Walter thought I was going to take for ever to pick something out, little did he know that I had a color scheme in my head already….I did get stuck a little but then… there he was… DAVID! He solved the “color” problem, we paid up the nose and all in about a ½ hour, we were out of there!!
Walter had to pace a bit so then we stopped be the Home Depot Expo and looked at a lot of stuff that we can absolutely NOT afford now. Finally we left there and stopped at Dunkin. After eating we finally drove into town and then he stopped in front of one of our friend’s house. He parked and said….”I gotta help Tina move something.” So I was like OK and at first I was going to wait in the car but then I thought she might need my help too. So I went in the house first and then a bunch of LF girls screamed “SURPRISE!!!!!!” I couldn’t believe it ….I was soooooo shocked and surprised…they got me…Walt did good…..It was a baby shower for me. It was so much fun…..I had a blast, I really did….
Ladies...thank you so much!!!
1 comment:
Why does Joey have a new name?!?!?!? I don't want to read the whole blog to find out, but I'm so curious! Ah!
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