OK….so just incase I haven’t told you this or have written it in a while. It is amazing when you decide to adopt you instantly become apart of this inner circle of adopters. Anyone who has adopted a child from where ever is always there for you with just the right advice. They advise you patience, give you the ok to cry it out and tell you what they did to “get through” it.
Two days ago I searched the web for “Krasnoyarsk, Russia” and I found a blog about a couple (Kris & Joe) that just got back from Russia. I went on their blog to find out that they just adopted their precious son from the same orphanage Joey’s from. I had left a message on her blog congratulating them and that is where our son is right now. Kris leaves a message on my blog saying that she has two pictures of Joey on the potty with the other babies after a few emails back ….she emailed them to me.
I was so overwhelmed to see these pictures. I was wondering if he looks the same. I wanted to see his beautiful face and those innocent eyes again. We miss him so much that some days are better then others.
On a lighter note….check out how he has his hands on his knees like a “little man” (Joey is second child on the left)
You're adopting from the same orphanage as Kris and Joe? So are we! We leave in 4 days for our court date. Can't wait. Hope to hear from you!
Hey Jmpetosky,
I'm trying to get to your blog or email...can't get to you...Maybe If you get this email me @ Lita704@aol.com
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