Monday, December 1, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving...
This Thanksgiving will be a little different then the rest of them. For some reason my heart grows heavier when I think of all that I’m thankful for. I’ve always knew how lucky I am …I have the best marriage, I have the greatest friends & supporting families, I have so many people that care and love me.
Of course I must be grateful to a very special woman who made the biggest sacrifice and did the right thing. I’m talking about Joey’s birth mom. I have prayed for this woman and I hope that she finds her way in life. What ever it is…I hope she finds it. Even though Joey is not here yet...We can’t image this world with out him. I’m sure all the orphanage workers would agree because they all love him there.
The last (but not least) person I am grateful for is Walter…my rock…the one I lean on…let’s me cry…the only one who can tell me to get it together (and not hurt my feelings)…The One!!! It doesn’t take Thanksgiving to remind me of how grateful I am…I remember every night before I go to bed. He is amazing and is going to be the best Dad ever. He is so excited to get Joey…when he talks about him, his eyes light up. It’s an amazing thing to see.
In conclusion…. I want to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy your time with your families and friends.
PS…Let’s not all gain too much weight!!!!!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Make ROOM for baby….
Well Joey’s room is almost done…Furniture is in, the walls, doors and molding are up and painted. The closet has it’s shelves and is ready for cloths and all his stuff!!!
After we clean the room up...the only thing we’re waiting for is the carpet, which should be in Monday AM!!!! Once the carpet comes in, that’s it….everything goes into place!!! We are so excited; it’s hard to find words to describe it.
Here’s a little sneak of what it looks like right now!!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Our Weekend....
Our weekend in a nutshell...CRAZY...CRAZY...CRAZY.
Days are flying by and next thing we know we'll be on a plane to go get him!!!
Aside the frustration of our home looking like a Home/Baby depot, everything is well. One thing that i can't wait to do is thoroughly clean my house and not making it look messy the next day. Everyday I try...for example when I dust, the next day it really looks like I have done nothing!!! So frustrating. Once Joey's room is done and all his things are in there and all the tools go back in the garage and our bedroom can go back to being a sanctuary, not a storage room; I will feel better…much better. Till then, stress isn’t even the word for it.
As a stress relief I helped Walter paint and to my surprise he said OK…It was fun and we absolutely love the color. We’re adding another color to it however so far this is what it looks like.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
November 2, 2008

So I thought it was an anniversary Halloween party for Mr. & Mrs. PeeWee…I was so wrong!!!
My brother & girlfriends threw me a baby shower!! 60 adults & 9 children!! I had a blast, I couldn’t believe that there were so many people there who love and support us. There was baby bing-go, raffles and lots of homemade food and desserts. Lots of fun!!!
There are no words to describe how much it meant to us to see everyone there. It was truly overwhelming and I still can’t stop thinking about it.
Joey isn’t going to believe how many people are waiting for his arrival. He isn’t even here yet and he is loved already.
Here are a few pics of the party....Just a few out of 350 shots!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What Are The Chances?!?!?!?!?
OK….so just incase I haven’t told you this or have written it in a while. It is amazing when you decide to adopt you instantly become apart of this inner circle of adopters. Anyone who has adopted a child from where ever is always there for you with just the right advice. They advise you patience, give you the ok to cry it out and tell you what they did to “get through” it.
Two days ago I searched the web for “Krasnoyarsk, Russia” and I found a blog about a couple (Kris & Joe) that just got back from Russia. I went on their blog to find out that they just adopted their precious son from the same orphanage Joey’s from. I had left a message on her blog congratulating them and that is where our son is right now. Kris leaves a message on my blog saying that she has two pictures of Joey on the potty with the other babies after a few emails back ….she emailed them to me.
I was so overwhelmed to see these pictures. I was wondering if he looks the same. I wanted to see his beautiful face and those innocent eyes again. We miss him so much that some days are better then others.
On a lighter note….check out how he has his hands on his knees like a “little man” (Joey is second child on the left)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Joey's Tickets Are Here!!!!
Well…yesterday a bright orange envelope was in my mailbox…It was Joey’s tickets home!!!!
I can’t believe it…It has his new name on it… Joseph Alexander Hurrell. Naturally I took a picture with my phone and sent it to Walter. He called me back so excited, this is all falling together now.
Joey....we're coming for you soon baby!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My Saturday

I’m very lucky to have such a great array of great girlfriends. Even acquaintances that I meet and once in awhile I bump into or talk on the phone and exchange favors with; all happen to be wonderful people. I’m a very lucky person.
My Saturday started as such…
Woke up…
Had too many cups of coffee…
Checked email….
Fed cats…
Took shower….
Tried to read a few pages in my book…(too much distraction)
Hopped in the car….
Headed to Norton’s paint…
Found DAVID & picked out color for Joey’s room!!!....
(here’s where the “sneaky-ness” of my husband kicked in). Walter thought I was going to take for ever to pick something out, little did he know that I had a color scheme in my head already….I did get stuck a little but then… there he was… DAVID! He solved the “color” problem, we paid up the nose and all in about a ½ hour, we were out of there!!
Walter had to pace a bit so then we stopped be the Home Depot Expo and looked at a lot of stuff that we can absolutely NOT afford now. Finally we left there and stopped at Dunkin. After eating we finally drove into town and then he stopped in front of one of our friend’s house. He parked and said….”I gotta help Tina move something.” So I was like OK and at first I was going to wait in the car but then I thought she might need my help too. So I went in the house first and then a bunch of LF girls screamed “SURPRISE!!!!!!” I couldn’t believe it ….I was soooooo shocked and surprised…they got me…Walt did good…..It was a baby shower for me. It was so much fun…..I had a blast, I really did….
Ladies...thank you so much!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Siberian Snow Bunny…

I was lucky to get in touch with a woman named Peggy from Florida. She and her husband adopted 2 beautiful children from the same orphanage that Joey’s from. Their last trip was in February.
When I came upon her blog I was very excited to see that she was there in the winter time!!! I sent her an email and she sent me back an email talking about the weather and many other things…..Anyway long story SHORT….I’m freaking out about the weather.
I had gone to Burlington Coat Factory (in Paramus), Campmor and Ski Barn. Today Annemarie and I went to Burlington in Secaucus and this is what I found….Don’t I look like a Siberian Snow Bunny?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Made By Walter...
Here's a little video that Walter made for me...if you think you cried with the first video...wait till you see this one....don't say I didn't warn you.
Here's a little video that Walter made for me...if you think you cried with the first video...wait till you see this one....don't say I didn't warn you.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
When we got home...
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